March 30, 2021 By liamIn WODPosted March 29, 2021 GYMNASTICS STAMINA 12 minutes for quality:3-5 Strict Handstand Push Ups3-5 Strict Ring Dips3-5 Push UpsMODIFICATIONSStrict Handstand Push UpsBox Handstand Push UpsPlate + Ab Mat Strict Handstand Push UpsStrict Ring DipBanded Ring DipsBox DipsPush UpsBox Push Ups METCON “Don’t Stop Me Now”AMRAP 18: Max Calorie Machine*Every 3:00 (On the 0, 3,6,9,12 and 15):50 Double Unders12 BurpeesMODIFICATIONSDouble Unders1.5x Single UndersDouble TapsLine Hops