April 10th, 2021

METCON “Fish Out of Water”For time:2000 Meter Row or 4750 Meter Echo BikeDirectly into...10 rounds of “The Chief”TIME CAP - 25:001 round of “The Chief”:3 Power Cleans (155lbs/105lbs)6 Push Ups9 Air SquatsMODIFICATIONSPush-Ups-Box Push-Ups ACCESSORY WORK Until the end of class for quality::30s Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold:30s Double Kettlebell Front...

April 9th, 2021

PULLING STAMINA 15 minutes to work through: 400 Meter Row or 500 Meter Echo Bike 5 Deadlifts 5 Strict Pull Ups *Slowly increase deadlift weight each set until you reach your desired deadlift weight for the Metcon MODIFICATIONS Strict Pull Ups -Unbroken Banded Pull Ups -Challenging Ring Row -Toe Assisted...