April 13th, 2021

TESTING WEEK, DAY 2 OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING 12 minutes to build to a:1 Rep Max Squat Snatch METCON “I Will Survive”AMRAP 5:Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row or 1200/1000 Meter Echo BikeDirectly into max rounds of:30 Double Unders5 Power Snatches (135lbs/95lbs)—REST 5:00—AMRAP 5:Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row or 1200/1000 Meter Echo BikeDirectly into max...

April 12th, 2021

TESTING WEEK, DAY 1 STRENGTH 12 minutes to build to a:1 Rep Max Front Squat*Warm Up Set Recommendation:8 reps @ Light Weight6 reps @ Light to Moderate Weight4 reps @ Moderate Weight2 reps @ Moderate to Heavy Weight*Then 2/3 attempts at 1 Rep Max METCON “Acid Reflux”5 rounds for time:15...