Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 By liamIn WODPosted February 23, 2021 Metcon “Wise Men”On the 0:00…AMRAP 3:3 Power Cleans3 Front Squats3 Push Jerks (135lbs/95lbs)—REST 3:00—AMRAP 3:3 Power Cleans3 Front Squats3 Push Jerks (155lbs/105lbs)—REST 3:00—AMRAP 3:3 Power Cleans3 Front Squats3 Push Jerks (185lbs/135lbs)On the 20:00…7:00 to build to a heavy complex:1 Power Clean3 Front Squats1 Split Jerk Accessory Work 12 minutes of:9 Strict Toes-to-Bar OR Candlesticks12 Good Mornings15/12 Calorie Bike