May 5, 2021 By liamIn WODPosted May 4, 2021 STRENGTH - WALKING LUNGES Every 2:30 x 3 sets:1.5 Lengths Double Dumbbell/Kettlebell Pausing Walking Lunges1.5 Lengths Double Dumbbell/Kettlebell Walking Lunges*Build to a heavy weight*Pause::1s with back knee on the ground. METCON “PUT A RUNG ON IT”10 rounds for time:3 Bar Muscle Ups’6 Front Squats (155lbs/105lbs)9 Calorie Echo Bike or 12/9 Calorie RowTIME CAP – 22:00MODIFICATIONSBar Muscle Ups-Burpee Chest to Bar Pullups-6 Chest to Bar Pullups-5 Strict Chest to Bar Pullups-6 Ring Rows