Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 By liamIn WODPosted March 8, 2021 Activation 6 minutes to move through:250m Row or 600m Bike10 Russian Kettlebell Swings:30 Plank (Hands or Elbows) Gymnastics EMOM 10:Min 1 – 5 Touch and Go Power CleansMin 2 – 2 Lengths Handstand WalkModificationsHandstand Walk-3 Wall Walks-:45s Handstand Hold-3 Lengths Bear Crawl Metcon “Aftermath”For time:50-40-30-20-10 Calorie RowAfter each round:10 Deadlifts (185lbs/135lbs)10 Kipping Handstand Push Ups40 Double UndersTIME CAP – 20:00ModificationsRow-40-30-20-15-10 Calorie Echo Bike-1000m-800m-600m-400m-200m RunHandstand Pushups-Pike Pushups-Double Dumbbell Push Press-Push UpsDouble Unders-60 Single Unders-Line Hops