WEDNESDAY 9.01.2021

STRICT GYMNASTICS BENCHMARK 5 minutes to find:Max Unbroken Strict Handstand Push-Ups—Rest 1 minute—5 minutes to find: Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups  DEADLIFT Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 4 Dead Stop Deadlifts @ 60% of 1 Rep Max Deadlift Directly into…Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 4 Touch-and-Go Deadlifts @ 65% of 1 Rep...

TUESDAY 8.31.2021

BENCH PRESS Every 2:00 x 6 sets: 10-10-8-8-6-6 *Build to a moderate weight. "BANGERS & MASH" 6 Rounds:  3 Push Press  3 Front Squats  3 Box Jumps  30/21 Calorie Echo Bike 4 Rounds: 3 Push Press 3 Front Squats  3 Box Jumps 30/21 Calorie Echo Bike 2 Rounds:  3 Push Press...

MONDAY 8.30.2021

MASTER OF NONE For Time: 60/45 Calorie Row  45 Chin Over the Bar Pull-ups 30 Deadlifts 15 Bar-Facing Burpees MIDLINE 3 sets or until the end of class, for quality: 20 Pausing GHD Hip Extensions  20 Pausing Banded Glute Bridges  0:30 Side Plank Each Side *Rest as Needed Between Sets.