July 27, 2021

METCON "ROW YOUR BOAT"For Time: 3 Rounds: 15 Deadlifts10 Push Press10 Chin Over The Bar Pull-UpsDirectly Into...1500 Meter RowDirectly Into...3 Rounds:15 Deadlifts10 Push Press10 Chin Over The Bar Pull-Ups BODY ARMOUR Barbell Good MorningsSingle Arm Dumbbell Floor PressSingle Dumbbell Back Rack Walk

July 26, 2021

GRIT SQUATS *Deload Week*3 Pausing Back Squats3 Front Squats METCON "REMAIN CALM"AMRAP 10:4 Rounds:30 Air Squats200 Meter RunIn Time Remaining:Max Power Snatches  

July 24, 2021

OLYMPIC POWER Behind the Nack Snatch Push JerkMuscle SnatchPower Snatch METCON "THE PHANTOM"6 Rounds:1 Minute Max Echo Bike Calories1 Minute Max Bar-Facing Burpees1 Minute Max Double Unders1 Minute Rest

July 23, 2021

STRENGTH Grit SquatsWeek 4, Day 2 METCON "SNACK BAR"3 Rounds:400 Meter Run10 Power Cleans 500/400 Meter Row10 Push Jerks 

July 22, 2021

METCON - LONG CONDITIONING PART 1:12-8-6-4-2Front Rack LungesPART 2:For Time:40-30-20AbMat Sit-upsRussian Kettlebell SwingsDirectly into…30-20-10Overhead Medicine Ball Sit-upsEmpty Barbell Good Mornings

July 21, 2021

BARBELL CYCLING Hang Squat Snatch Cycling Practie METCON "UNFRIENDLY FRAN"On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:15/12 Calorie Assault Bike12 Chin Over the Bar Pull-ups9 Thrusters

July 20, 2021

STRENGTH CONDITIONING Double Unders & Deadlift EMOM METCON "YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS"For Time:21 Deadlifts, 200 Meter Run21 Lateral Barbell Burpees, 200 Meter Run15 Deadlifts, 200 Meter Run15 Lateral Barbell Burpees, 200 Meter Run9 Deadlifts, 200 Meter Run9 Lateral Barbell Burpees, 200 Meter Run

July 19, 2021

STRENGTH Grit SquatsWeek 4, Day 1 METCON "BEACH BALL"AMRAP 20:40 Wallballs30/24 Calorie Row20 Toes to Bar10 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches