OLYMPIC LIFTING Every 2:00 x 5 sets:1 Pausing Power Clean 1 Power Clean1 Pausing Push Jerk1 Push Jerk*2 second pause in the catch positionSet 1 @ 35%Set 2 @ 40%Set 3-5 @ 45% of 1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk METCON “This Little Piggy”3 rounds for time:500 Meter Row or...
April 3, 2021
OLYMPIC LIFTING Every 2:00 x 5 sets:1 Hang Snatch Pull1 Hang Snatch High Pull1 Hang Power Snatch*Set 1 @ 40%*Set 2 @ 45%*Set 3 @ 50%*Set 4 @ 55%*Set 5 @ 60% of 1 Rep Max Power Snatch METCON “Muscle Memory”5 rounds for time:12 Box Jump Overs (30”/24”)9 Power Snatch...
April 2, 2021
METCON: Partner Workout "Barbie"AMRAP 30: (one athlete works, one athlete on machine. Switch at any time.)Calories on any MachineWork:30 Power Snatches (95lbs/65lbs)30 Barbell Facing Burpees30 Hang Power Clean + Jerks30 Barbell Lateral Burpees30 Thrusters30 Burpees to Target*Score is total the amount of Calories on both Machines METCON: Individual Workout "Barbie"AMRAP...
March 31, 2021
OLYMPIC LIFTING Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 1 Pausing Power Clean 1 Power Clean 1 Pausing Push Jerk 1 Push Jerk *Pause 3 seconds in the catch of the clean and the jerk SETS 1-2 @ 40% SETS 3-4 @ 50% SET 5 @ 60-65% or 1 Rep Max Clean...
March 30, 2021
GYMNASTICS STAMINA 12 minutes for quality: 3-5 Strict Handstand Push Ups 3-5 Strict Ring Dips 3-5 Push Ups MODIFICATIONS Strict Handstand Push Ups Box Handstand Push Ups Plate + Ab Mat Strict Handstand Push Ups Strict Ring Dip Banded Ring Dips Box Dips Push Ups Box Push Ups METCON “Don’t...
March 29, 2021
OLYMPIC LIFTING Every 1:30 x 5 sets:Overhead Squat x 3 Reps*Build to a moderate weight for the day—REST 1:30—Every 1:30 x 5 sets:Power Snatch Squat Snatch*Build to 75% of 1 Rep Max Squat Snatch METCON “Rent”3 rounds for time:500/400 Meter Row or 1200/1000 Meter Echo Bike40 Wallballs (20lbs-10ft/14lbs-9ft)30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches...
March 26, 2021
OLYMPIC LIFTING Every 1:30 x 5 sets:Low Hang Snatch High PullLow Hang Power SnatchSquat Snatch*Build up to 75-80% of 1 Rep Max Squat Snatch METCON “David & Goliath”A) 0:00 - 9:00…For time:21-18-15-12-9Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50lbs/35lbs)Goblet Squats (50lbs/35lbs)B) 9:00 - 15:00…Build to a 1 Rep Max Power or Squat Snatch*Score is...
March 25, 2021
BARBELL CYCLING 12-9-6Power CleansPush JerksTIME CAP - 10:00Round of 12: 95lbs/65lbsRound of 9: 115lbs/85lbsRound of 6: 135lbs/95lbs Metcon “4 Banger”4 rounds for time:500 Meter Row/1200 Meter Echo Bike10 Power Cleans (155lbs/105lbs)10 Bar Facing BurpeesTIME CAP - 20:00
March 24, 2021
GYMNASTICS STAMINA 3 sets:1:00 Max Strict Pull UpsRest :30s:30s Max Kipping Pull UpsRest :30s:15s Max Chest to Bar Pull Ups*Rest 1:30 between sets.MODIFICATIONSStrict Pull UpsToe AssistedBandedRing RowsKipping Pull UpsJumping Pull UpsChest to Bar Pull UpsJumping Chest to Bar Pull Ups METCON “Dia-Bolical”For time:250 Meter Row/600 Meter Echo Bike21 Deadlifts (225lbs/155lbs)250...